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Permitted Development Rights

If all of the Permitted Development criteria is met, you will not require planning permission and so can apply for a Lawful development certificate on your garden room.


What are the permitted development rules on garden rooms?


If all of the Permitted Development criteria is met, you will not require planning permission and so can apply for a Lawful development certificate on your garden room. The government planning portal website provides a list of permitted development rules-

  • No outbuilding on land forward of a wall forming the principal elevation.

  • Outbuildings and garages to be single storey with maximum eaves height of 2.5 metres and maximum overall height of four metres with a dual pitched roof or three metres for any other roof.

  • Maximum height of 2.5 metres in the case of a building, enclosure or container within two metres of a boundary of the curtilage of the dwelling house.

  • No verandas, balconies or raised platforms (a platform must not exceed 0.3 metres in height).

  • No more than half the area of land around the “original house”* would be covered by additions or other buildings.

  • In National Parks, the Broads, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and World Heritage Sites the maximum area to be covered by buildings, enclosures, containers and pools more than 20 metres from the house to be limited to 10 square metres.

  • On designated land* buildings, enclosures, containers and pools at the side of properties will require planning permission.

  • Within the curtilage of listed buildings any outbuilding will require planning permission.


Lawful Development Certificate

Although the majority of our garden rooms are built for clients inline with permitted development rules, we suggest that all clients apply for a lawful development certificate (LDC) for their proposed garden room designs. Our architects are happy to help by drawing up plans and submitting applications for our clients to make the process quicker and easier. 


Why is having a Lawful Development Certificate important?

Issued by the council, a lawful development certificate (LDC) is a confirmation that your garden room has legal status. This means that if you are wanting to sell your house, solicitors representing purchasers will need documentary evidence that your garden room is there legally. It also gives reassurance to neighbours that all work is being done lawfully. The application for a lawful development certificate costs £103 in England and can be completed online. You usually receive a response within 6-8 weeks after your application is submitted so it is important to get it submitted well in advance. 


Adding Value To Your House

Not only do you have peace of mind that you have a certificate of lawful development and a building regulations certificate so you can be confident your garden room is there lawfully but it can also add value to your house in the long term. If you decide to sell your house, estate agents value your house based on the total liveable space available and by having a lawful garden room that meets all building regulation standards, you increase the liveable space of your property and subsequently the value of your house. 

We know how important it is to apply for a lawful development certificate as you don’t know when Permitted Development laws may change. By putting in the money and effort of completing a certificate application you will remove the stress that may come at a later date. Our architects can also draw up plans and submit applications on your behalf so you don’t even have to bother with the hassle of applying.

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